Suitable for babies from 6 months old and above
Soya beans
Dawa/Guinea Corn
Yellow corn
Bonga Fish (optional)
Unripe Plantain
Unripe banana (optional)
Joro/ Millet
Peal plantain & banana (or u mk use of one) cut and sundry it
Then fry it in an empty pot with low heat just like groundnut
Select soya beans and fry it on low heat, when you take it to grinding they will help you select the shaft before grinding (( please make sure you don't mix soya beans with others when taking to grinding , so it will enable them blow the shaft out.
Or u barboil d soya beans, dry before frying.
Gather other corns and select sand out and other unwanted things or u can soak it, dry and fry it before grinding.
choose any fish but should be dry fish remove bones from it though is optional.
select crayfish same way we do before pounding/grinding it to add in our food or after, you fry it little before grinding.
deseed the date (don't fry it ooo so there will be able to grand it smoothly)
Buy fried groundnut
But if buy fresh one make sure to fry it to brownish colour
Take it to grinding place, stand and and make sure the person grind it smoothly into powdered form.
The grinder should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before grinding.
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