 500 gr.  strength flour
 160 gr.  butter
 100 grams white sugar
 50 ml.  whole milk
 18 gr.  fresh yeast
 8 gr.  fine salt
 4 medium eggs
 Brioche dough:
 1. In a small bowl, pour the warm milk with the yeast and mix until completely diluted.  We reserve
 2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, salt and sugar, and eggs.
 3. Add the dissolved yeast and eggs to the dry ingredients, knead the mixture by hand or by machine until everything is integrated.
 4. Add the butter, knead again until the dough becomes flexible, and until you obtain a fine, shiny and elastic mixture.
 5. We must knead for around 20 minutes.
 6. We reserve the dough in a previously greased bowl, cover with a clean cloth or plastic wrap and let it rest in a warm place for 30 minutes.
 Brioche Bread:
 1. We put the dough on a counter and divide it into pieces of about 50 grams, place them in a greased mold or on a tray, and let it ferment again for another 30 minutes.
 2. We paint the breads with egg beaten lightly with salt and let it ferment again in a warm place for another 120 minutes.
 Baking the brioche bread:
 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
 2. We put our tray in the oven and let it cook for about 25 minutes.
 3. We let it cool on a rack.
